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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 -> 40.1

:「。」Cao Cao's heart still leaned toward mercy, but Chen Gong turned and walked away, repulsing the attendants who would stop him. Cao Cao rose from his place and walked with Chen Gong, the tears falling from his eyes. Chen Gong never looked at him. Turning to his guards Cao Cao said, "Let his mother and family be taken to Xuchang and looked after immediately. Any postponement will be punished!" The condemned man heard him but uttered no word. He stretched out his neck for the blow. Tears sprang to the eyes of all present. His remains were honorably coffined and buried in Xuchang. A poem pitying Chen Gong's fate says:
