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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白门楼吕布殒命 -> 41.1

玄德:“?”玄德:“天下。”玄德:“?”玄德:“董卓?”玄德:“!”玄德:“?”:“吕布!”张辽吕布While Cao Cao sadly escorted Chen Gong on the way to death, Lu Bu appealed to Liu Bei, "Noble Sir, you sit there an honored guest while poor I lie bound at your feet. Will you not utter one word to alleviate my lot?" Liu Bei nodded. As Cao Cao returned to his place, Lu Bu called out, "Your only trouble, Illustrious Sir, is myself, and I am on your side now. You take the lead, I will help you, and together the world is at our feet." "What do you think?" said Cao Cao turning to Liu Bei. "You are willing to forget the episodes of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo?" "Truly the lout is not to be trusted!" said Lu Bu, looking at Liu Bei. "Strangle and expose!" ordered Cao Cao. As he was led away, Lu Bu turned once more to Liu Bei, "You long-eared lout, you forget now the service I rendered you that day at my camp gate, when my arrow hit the mark!" Just then someone shouted, "Lu Bu, O fool! Death is but death, and why are you scared at it?" Everyone turned to look: The guards were hustling Zhang Liao to the place of judgment. Cao Cao ordered Lu Bu's execution. A poet has written upon the death of Lu Bu:
