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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白门楼吕布殒命 -> 42.1

张辽:“。”:“?”:“!”:“!”:“?”:“!”:“!”张辽曹操:“!”It was recorded earlier that the executioners were hustling Zhang Liao forward. Pointing to him from above, Cao Cao said, "He has a familiar face." "You were not likely to forget me: You saw me before in Puyang," said Zhang Liao. "O, so you remember me, eh?" "Yes. More is the pity." "Pity for what?" "That the fire that day was not fierce enough to burn you up, rebel that you are!" Cao Cao began to get angry. "How dare you insult me?" cried he and lifted his sword to kill the bold speaker. The undaunted Zhang Liao never changed color, but stretched out his neck for the blow. Then a man behind Cao Cao caught his arm, and in front of him another dropped on his knees, saying, "O Prime Minister, I pray thee stay thy hand!"
