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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 袁曹各起马步三军,关张共擒王刘二将 -> 24

云长云长王忠:“?”云长:“。”:“!”云长王忠云长便王忠云长王忠云长王忠王忠So Guan Yu set out with three thousand soldiers to reconnoiter. It was then early winter, and snow was falling from a gloomy sky. They marched regardless of the snow and came near Wang Zhong's camp with arms all ready to attack. Guan Yu summoned Wang Zhong to a parley. "The Prime Minister is here. Why do you not surrender?" said Wang Zhong. "Beg him to come to the front, for I would speak with him," replied Guan Yu. "Is he likely to come out to see such as you," said Wang Zhong. Guan Yu angrily dashed forward, and Wang Zhong set his spear to meet him. Guan Yu rode till he came close to his antagonist, then suddenly wheeled away. Wang Zhong went after him and followed up a slope. Just as they passed the crest, Guan Yu suddenly wheeled again, shouted, and came on flourishing the mighty sword. Wang Zhong could not withstand that and fled. But Guan Yu, changing the huge sword to his left hand, with his right laid hold of his victim by the straps of his breastplate, lifted him out of the saddle, and rode away to his own lines with the captive laid across the pommel of his saddle. Wang Zhong's army scattered.
