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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 禰正平裸衣罵賊,吉太醫下毒遭刑 -> 1

曹操劉岱王忠孔融:「劉備。」祿玄德孔融:「使張繡劉表。」劉曄張繡賈詡At the close of the last chapter the two unsuccessful leaders, Liu Dai and Wang Zhong, were in danger of death. However, Kong Rong remonstrated with Cao Cao, saying, "You knew these two were no match for Liu Bei, and if you put them to death because they failed, you will lose the hearts of your people." Wherefore the death sentence was not executed, but they were deprived of rank and status. Cao Cao next proposed to lead an army himself to attack Liu Bei, but Kong Rong advised, "The weather is too inclement. We must wait the return of spring. In the interval, we better use the time to arrange peace with Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao, before launching an expedition against Xuzhou." Wherefore Liu Ye was sent to Zhang Xiu and in due time reached Xiangyang. He first had an interview with Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu's adviser, whereat he dwelt upon Cao Cao's virtues so that Jia Xu was impressed. Jia Xu kept Liu Ye as a guest and undertook to smooth his way.
