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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 禰正平裸衣罵賊,吉太醫下毒遭刑 -> 22

曹操慶童董承曹操:「!」:「。」:「。」:「。『。』?」:「?」Qin Qington was kept in a secret part of the palace, while his late master, Dong Cheng, only knowing that he had run away, took no special means to find him. Soon after this Cao Cao feigned a headache and sent for Ji Ping as usual. "The rebel is done for," thought Ji Ping, and he made a secret package of poison which he took with him to the palace of the Prime Minister. He found Cao Cao in bed. The patient bade the doctor prepare a potion for him. "One draught will cure this disease," said Ji Ping. He bade them bring him a pot, and he prepared the potion in the room. When it had simmered for some time and was half finished, the poison was added, and soon after the physician presented the draught. Cao Cao, knowing it was poisoned, made excuses and would not swallow it. "You should take it hot," said the doctor. "Then there will be a gentle perspiration, and you will be better." "You are a scholar," said Cao Cao, sitting up, "and know what is the correct thing to do. When the master is ill and takes drugs, the attendant first tastes them; when a man is ill, his son first tastes the medicine. You are my confidant and should drink first. Then I will swallow the remainder." "Medicine is to treat disease. What is the use of anyone's tasting it?" said Ji Ping.
