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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 國賊行兇殺貴妃,皇叔敗走投袁紹 -> 4

:「。」曹洪程昱:「董承馬騰劉備。」:「馬騰西使劉備袁紹劉備?」:「袁紹?」When leaving the Palace, Cao Cao gave strict orders to the keepers, saying "Anyone of the imperial relatives by marriage who enter the Palace will be put to death, and the guards will share the same punishment for lack of zeal." To make more sure he appointed three thousand Imperial Guards from his own troops and appointed Cao Hong to the command. Then said Cao Cao to his counselor Cheng Yu, "The conspirators in the capital have been removed, it is true, but there are yet two others, Ma Teng and Liu Bei. These must not be left." Cheng Yu replied, "Ma Teng is strong in the west and would not be easily captured. He might be enticed to the capital by suave words and kindly praises, when he would be at your mercy. Liu Bei is at Xuzhou, strongly posted in an ox-horn formation, and not to be lightly attacked. More than this, Yuan Shao is at Guandu, and his one desire is to attack you. Any attempt on the east will send Liu Bei to Yuan Shao for help, and Yuan Shao will come here at once. Then what will you do?" "You are at fault," replied Cao Cao. "Liu Bei is a bold warrior. If we wait till he is fully fledged and winged, he will be more difficult to deal with. Yuan Shao may be strong, but he is not to be feared. He is too undeciding to act."
