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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 国贼行凶杀贵妃,皇叔败走投袁绍 -> 5

郭嘉:“刘备袁绍?”:“刘备。”:“。”As they were discussing these things, Guo Jia came in, and Cao Cao suddenly referred the matter to him. "If I attack Liu Bei, then Yuan Shao is to be feared. What do you think of it?" Guo Jia said, "Yuan Shao by nature is dilatory and hesitating, and his various advisers are jealous of each other. He is not to be feared. Liu Bei is getting together a new army and has not yet won their hearts. You could settle the east in one battle." "This advice is in harmony with my thinking," said Cao Cao. And he prepared an army of two hundred thousand troops, to move in five divisions against Xuzhou.
