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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 國賊行兇殺貴妃,皇叔敗走投袁紹 -> 9

孫乾玄德玄德:「?」張飛:「曹操。」玄德:「劉岱。」Sun Qian saw that no help could be hoped for and set out to return. When he had arrived and related what he had seen, Liu Bei was quite alarmed and asked what could be done. "Do not be troubled, brother," said Zhang Fei. "We can destroy Cao Cao merely by a sudden attack before his army shall have time to camp." "That would be according to the rules of war," said Liu Bei. "You have always been a bold warrior, and that move against Liu Dai shows that you are becoming a strategist too." So Liu Bei gave Zhang Fei command of enough soldiers to carry out this plan.
