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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 屯土山关公约三事,救白马曹操解重围 -> 12

关公退曹操关公关公:“。”:“云长。”关公:“。”:“?”关公:“。”:“玄德。”Guan Yu withdrew and then, with a small escort, went to his interview with Cao Cao. Cao Cao came to the outermost gate to welcome him, and Guan Yu dismounted and made obeisance. Cao Cao returned his salute with the greatest cordiality. "The leader of a defeated army is grateful for the graciousness that has preserved his life," said Guan Yu. "I have so long admired your loyalty and high principles that this happy meeting gratifies the desire of my whole life," replied Cao Cao. "As the Prime Minister has granted the three requests which my friend petitioned for on my behalf, there is now but little to discuss," said Guan Yu. "As I have spoken, so be it. I could not break faith," replied Cao Cao. "Whenever I hear where Uncle Liu Bei is, I must certainly go to him, even if through fire and water. It may be that there will be no time nor opportunity of saying farewell. I trust you will understand the reason." "If Liu Bei should prove to be alive, you must certainly be allowed to go to him. But I fear that in the confusion he may have lost his life. You may set your mind at rest and let me make inquiries."
