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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 袁本初敗兵折將,關雲長挂印封金 -> 9

玄德玄德:「?」:「使?」玄德:「曹操使雲長劉備。」袁紹:「玄德使。」退玄德Soon Liu Bei appeared. Again Yuan Shao ordered him out to instant execution. "What crime have I committed?" asked Liu Bei. "You sent your brother to slay one of my generals. Is that no crime?" "Pray let me explain before I die. Cao Cao hated me and has always done so. Now he has found out where I am and, fearing that I may help you, has got my brother to destroy your two generals, feeling sure that when you heard of it, you would be angry and put me to death. You cannot fail to see this." "What he says is sense," said Yuan Shao, turning to his advisers, "and you two nearly brought on me the reproach of injuring the good." Yuan Shao ordered his attendants to retire and asked Liu Bei to come and sit by him.
