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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 袁本初败兵折将,关云长挂印封金 -> 20.1

陈震关公曹操关公关公张辽关公:“?”曹操Chen Zhen left with this missive, and Guan Yu went to tell the women. Then he proceeded to the Prime Minister's palace to say farewell. But Cao Cao knew what he was coming for, and at the gate Guan Yu found the board intimating that no one could be received. So he had to return. However, he bade his own few soldiers prepare to start at any moment. He also gave orders that everything received from Cao Cao was to be left in the quarters. Nothing was to be taken. Next day he again proceeded to the palace to say farewell to his patron, but again found the board hanging there to show there was no admission. So it was several times; he could never enter. Then he went to see Zhang Liao, but Zhang Liao was indisposed. "This means Cao Cao will not let me go," thought Guan Yu. "But I am going, and I shall hesitate no longer." So he wrote this letter:
