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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 美髯公千里走单骑,汉寿侯五关斩六将 -> 3

云长:“云长!”张辽关公:“?”:“使。”关公:“便!”曹操许褚徐晃于禁李典Now the steed that Guan Yu rode was Red Hare, and it was very fast. No one could have come up with him but that there was the ladies' carriage to escort, and so Red Hare had to be held in and go slow. Suddenly Guan Yu heard a shout behind him, a voice crying, "Go slowly, Guan Yu!" He turned and made out the person to be Zhang Liao. Ordering the pushers of the carriage to press on along the high road, he reined in his steed, held the green-dragon saber ready for a stroke, and waited for Zhang Liao to come up. "Of course you have come to take me back, Zhang Liao?" said Guan Yu. "No. The Prime Minister, seeing that you are going a long journey, wishes to see you on your way and told me to hasten forward and beg you to wait till he can come up. That is the only thing." "Seeing that he is coming along with mailed men, I shall fight to the very last," said Guan Yu. And he took up his position on a bridge where he waited the approach of the party, who advanced quickly. Four of Cao Cao's generals, Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Yu Jin, and Li Dian, followed close.
