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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 美髯公千里走单骑,汉寿侯五关斩六将 -> 7

曹操关公云长:“!”云长:“?”Guan Yu went down from the bridge and started in the wake of the carriage carrying the two ladies, which should have gone about ten miles while this interview had been going on. He could see no signs of it and rode hither and thither looking on all sides. Presently he heard someone shouting from a hill, calling him by name to halt. He saw a youth wearing a yellow turban and dressed in a silk robe. He held a spear in his hand and was mounted on a horse from the neck of which dangled a bloody head. Behind him were a hundred or so men on foot, and they advanced quickly. "Who are you?" asked Guan Yu.
