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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 美髯公千里走單騎,漢壽侯五關斬六將 -> 23

:「。」便:「雲長。」:「?」:「。」Now Governor Wang Zhi had a general named Hu Ban to whom he had entrusted the arrangements for the destruction of his guest. Said Wang Zhi, "This Guan Yu is a traitor to the Prime Minister and a fugitive. On the road he has murdered several pass commanders and is guilty of serious crimes. But he is too strong and valiant for any ordinary soldier to overcome. So this evening you will lead a whole company of a thousand troops to surround his lodging, each one armed with a torch, and we will burn him. They will start the fire about midnight. Everyone of the party will perish. I will come with a force to stand by and assist if necessary." These orders received, Hu Ban passed them on to the soldiers, who began secretly to prepare dry wood and other combustibles which they piled up at the gate of the rest house. Hu Ban thought within himself that he would like to know what manner of man was this Guan Yu, whose fame had spread so far, so he determined to get a peep at the guest. He went to the rest house and inquired where Guan Yu was. "The General is the man in the main hall reading," was the reply.
