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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 斬蔡陽兄弟釋疑,會古城主臣聚義 -> 26

玄德簡雍:「玄德劉表玄德。」便簡雍玄德郭圖:「劉備劉辟使簡雍。」:「簡雍。」郭圖"Certainly." After Liu Bei had gone, Jian Yong came in and said to Yuan Shao, "If Liu Bei goes, he will not come back. I had better go to speak to Liu Biao. And I can keep a watch on Liu Bei." Yuan Shao agreed and issued orders for both to go. On the subject of the mission, Guo Tu came in to his chief to dissuade him. Said Guo Tu, "Liu Bei went to speak to Liu Pi, but he accomplished nothing. Now you are sending Jian Yong with him, and I am sure neither will ever return." "Do not be too suspicious," said Yuan Shao. "Jian Yong is clever enough." That was the end of the interview.
