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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 斬蔡陽兄弟釋疑,會古城主臣聚義 -> 31.1

玄德張飛糜竺糜芳雲長玄德玄德趙雲關公關平周倉Next they burned the camp on Sleeping Bull Mountain, after which they all took the road back to Gucheng where they were welcomed. They exchanged the stories of their several adventures, and the two ladies related the valiant deeds of Guan Yu whereat Liu Bei was too affected to speak. Then they performed a great sacrifice to Heaven and Earth with the slaughter of a bull and a horse. The soldiers also were recompensed for their toils. Liu Bei surveyed the conditions around him and found therein much to rejoice at. His two brothers were restored to his side and none of his helpers were missing. Moreover he had gained Zhao Zilong, and Guan Yu had acquired an adopted son Guan Ping. Another commander had joined his ranks in the person of Zhou Cang. There was every occasion for feasting and gratification.
