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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 小霸王怒斩于吉,碧眼儿坐领江东 -> 2

使孙策使:“!”便孙策西鹿But the bearer of this letter was captured on the Great River and sent to Sun Ce, who immediately put him to death. Then Sun Ce treacherously sent to ask the author of the letter to come and consult over some affair. The unsuspecting Xu Gong came. Sun Ce produced the letter, saying, "So you wish to send me to the land of the dead, eh?" And thereupon the executioners came in and strangled Xu Gong. The family of the victim scattered, but three of his clients determined to avenge him if only they could find some means of attacking Sun Ce. One day Sun Ce went hunting in the hills to the west of Dantu. A stag was started, and Sun Ce pressed after it at topmost speed and followed it deep into the forest.
