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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 小霸王怒斩于吉,碧眼儿坐领江东 -> 14

于吉孙策:“便!”于吉:“于吉!”于吉Thereupon officials and people helped the priest down, loosened the cord that bound him, and bowed before him in gratitude for the rain. But Sun Ce boiled with rage at seeing his officers and the people gathered in groups and kneeling in the water regardless of the damage to their clothing. "Rain or shine are as nature appoints them, and the wizard has happened to hit upon a moment of change. What are you making all this fuss about?" cried he. Then he drew his sword and told the attendants to smite the Daoist Saint therewith. They all besought him to hold his hand. "You want to follow Yu Ji in rebellion, I suppose," cried Sun Ce. The officers, now thoroughly cowed by the rage of their lord, were silent and showed no opposition when the executioners seized the Daoist Saint and beheaded him. As the head fell, they saw just a wreath of black smoke drift away to the northeast where lay the Langye Mountains. The corpse was exposed in the market place as a warning to enchanters and wizards and such people.
