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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 小霸王怒斬于吉,碧眼兒坐領江東 -> 15

于吉孫策于吉:「。」:「?」:「。」:「?」That night there came a very violent storm, and when it calmed down at daylight, there was no trace of the body of Yu Ji. The guards reported this, and Sun Ce in his wrath sentenced them to death. But as he did so, he saw Yu Ji calmly walking toward him as if the Daoist Saint were still alive. Sun Ce drew his sword and darted forward to strike at the wraith, but he fainted and fell to the ground. They carried him to his chamber, and in a short time he recovered consciousness. His mother, Lady Wu, came to visit him and said, "My son, you have done wrong to slay the holy one, and this is your retribution." "Mother, when I was a boy, I went with Father to wars, where people are cut down as one cuts reed stalks. There is not much retribution about such doings. I have put this fellow to death and so checked a great evil. Where does retribution come in?" "This comes of want of faith," she replied. "Now you must avert the evil by meritorious deeds." "My fate depends on Heaven. Wizards can do me no harm, so why avert anything?" His mother saw that it was useless to try persuasion, but she told his attendants to do some good deeds secretly whereby the evil should be turned aside.
