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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 小霸王怒斩于吉,碧眼儿坐领江东 -> 20

于吉须臾:“!”张昭孙权:“天下。”孙权:“天下使!”While he spoke, Yu Ji appeared in the mirror. He struck it and shrieked. Then the half healed wounds reopened and he fainted. He was raised and borne within. When he recovered consciousness, he said, "This is the end. I shall die." He sent for Zhang Zhao and his other chief officers and his brother, Sun Quan, and they gathered in his chamber. He gave them his dying charge, saying, "In the disordered state of the empire, the domains of Wu and Yue, with its strong defense of the three rivers and resourceful lands, has a brilliant future. You, Zhang Zhao, must assist my brother." So saying Sun Ce handed his seal to Sun Quan, saying, "For manipulating the might of Wu so as to make it the deciding force among the factions and then obtaining the whole empire, you are not so suited as I. But in encouraging the wise and confiding in the able and getting the best out of everyone for the preservation of this land, I should not succeed as you will. Remember with what toil and labor your father and I have won what we possess, and take good care thereof." Sun Quan wept as he knelt to receive the seal, and the dying Sun Ce turned to his mother, saying, "Mother, the days allotted of Heaven have run out, and I can no longer serve my tender mother. I have given over the seal to my brother and trust that you will advise him early and late, and see that he lives worthy of his predecessors."
