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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 戰官渡本初敗績,劫烏巢孟德燒糧 -> 2

田豐:「曹操!」沮授:「。」:「田豐!」沮授田豐!」Easily moved to anger, Yuan Shao was going to execute Tian Feng, but this time he forbore at the entreaties of many of his officers. However, he was not appeased, for he said, "I will punish Tian Feng when I return from conquering Cao Cao." Meanwhile Yuan Shao hastened to start. The banners of his host filled the horizon, their swords were as trees in the forest. They marched to Yangwu and there made a strong camp. Then Ju Shou once more opposed any hasty movement, saying, "Though our soldiers are many, they are not so bold as the enemy. However, veterans as are the enemy, they have not ample supplies. Therefore they will wish to force on a speedy battle, while our policy is to hold them off and delay. If we can keep from a decisive battle long enough, the victory will be ours without fighting." This advice did not appeal to Yuan Shao. Said he, threateningly, "Tian Feng spoke discouraging words to my armies, and I will assuredly put him to death on my return. How dare you follow in the same way?" Yuan Shao summoned the lictors and sent away the adviser in chains, saying, "When I have overcome Cao Cao, then will I deal with you and Tian Feng together!"
