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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 战官渡本初败绩,劫乌巢孟德烧粮 -> 4

袁绍高览淳于琼曹操许褚张辽徐晃李典曹操袁绍:“天子?”:“!”:“!”:“!”The onset was to continue through three rolls of the drum. Yuan Shao wore a silver helmet and breastplate and an embroidered robe held in by a jeweled belt. He took up his post in the center with his commanders —-Gao Lan, Zhang He, Han Meng, Chunyu Qiong, and others —-ranged right and left. His banners and ensigns made a brave show. When Cao Cao's army's center opened and the banners moved aside, the chieftain appeared on horseback with his staff of doughty leaders all fully armed —-Xu Chu, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Li Dian, and others. Pointing with his whip at Yuan Shao, Cao Cao cried, "In the presence of the Emperor, I pressed your claims to consideration and obtained for you the title of Regent Marshal. Why do you now plan rebellion?" Yuan Shao replied, "You take the title of a minister of Han, but you are really a rebel against the House. Your crimes and evil deeds reach to the heavens, and you are worse than the usurper Wang Mang and the rebel Dong Zhuo. What are these slanderous words about rebellion that dare you address to me?" "I have a command to make you prisoner!" "I have the Girdle Decree to arrest rebels!" replied Yuan Shao.
