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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 战官渡本初败绩,劫乌巢孟德烧粮 -> 17

:“!”:“。”:“孟德。”:“?”:“。”:“!”:“?”荀彧:“?”:“?”使:“。”:“使袁绍?”:“。”:“袁绍淳于琼。”许攸The visitor shook out his sleeves, rose and hurried toward the door of the tent, saying, "I offer him good counsel, and he repays me with deceit. Could I have expected it?" Cao Cao held him back. "Do not be angry," said he. "I will tell you the truth. Really I have here only enough for three months." "Everybody says you are a marvel of wickedness, and indeed it is true," said Xu You. "But who does not know that in war there is no objection to deceit?" replied Cao Cao. Then whispering in Xu You's ear, he said, "Actually here I have only supplies for this month's use." "O do not throw dust in my eyes any more. Your grain is exhausted and I know it." Cao Cao was startled, for he thought no one knew of the straits he was in. "How did you find that out?" said Cao Cao. Xu You produced the captured letter, saying, "Who wrote that?" "Where did you get it?" Whereupon Xu You told Cao Cao the story of the captured messenger. Cao Cao seized him by the hand, saying, "Since our old friendship has brought you to me, I hope you have some plan to suggest to me." Xu You said, "To oppose a great army with a small one is to walk in the way of destruction, unless you inflict quick defeat. I can propose a plan which will defeat the innumerable hordes of Yuan Shao without fighting a battle. But will you follow my advice?" "I very much desire to know your plan," said Cao Cao. "Your enemy's stores of all kinds are at Wuchao, where the Commander of the Guard is that drunkard Chunyu Qiong. You can send some of your trusty veterans to pretend they belong to one of Yuan Shao's generals, Jiang Qi, sent to help guard the depot. These soldiers can find an opportunity to fire the grain and stores of all kinds, which will upset all Yuan Shao's calculations. In three days Yuan Shao is no more." Cao Cao greatly approved. He treated Xu You very liberally and kept him in his camp.
