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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 -> 17

夏侯惇劉辟雲長玄德張飛玄德許褚玄德玄德:「劉備!」玄德趙雲:「。」趙雲玄德 One day later a horseman rode up to say that Runan had fallen, its defender Liu Pi had fled, and Guan Yu was surrounded. To make the matters worse, the news came that Zhang Fei, who had gone to rescue Gong Du, was in like case. Liu Bei tried to withdraw his troops, fearing all the time an attack from Cao Cao. Suddenly the sentinels came in, saying: "Xu Chu is at the camp gate offering a challenge." Liu Bei did not allow his army to go out. They waited till dawn, and then Liu Bei bade the soldiers get a good meal and be ready to start. When ready the foot went out first, the horsemen next, leaving a few troops in the camp to beat the watches and maintain an appearance of occupation. After traveling some miles, they passed some mounds. Suddenly torches blazed out, and on the summit stood one who shouted, "Do not let Liu Bei run away! I, the Prime Minister, am here awaiting you!" Liu Bei dashed along the first clear road he saw. Zhao Zilong said, "Fear not, my lord, only follow me!" And setting his spear, Zhao Zilong galloped in front opening an alley as he went. Liu Bei gripped his double swords and followed close.
