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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 -> 21

雲長關平周倉退玄德使雲長張飛張飛夏侯淵退夏侯淵樂進雲長退樂進玄德While seeking for some outlet, they saw Guan Yu, Guan Ping, and Zhou Cang, with three hundred men, coming along. Soon Zhang He was driven off, and then Liu Bei's troops came out of the narrow defile and occupied a strong position among the hills where they made a camp. Liu Bei sent Guan Yu for news of the missing brother. Zhang Fei had been attacked by Xiahou Yuan who had killed Gong Du, but Zhang Fei had vigorously resisted, beaten him off, and followed him up. Then Yue Jing had come along and surrounded Zhang Fei. In this pass he was found by Guan Yu, who had heard of his plight from some of his scattered soldiers met on the way. Now they drove off the enemy. The two brothers returned.
