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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 夺冀州袁尚争锋,决漳河许攸献计 -> 6

袁熙高干建安八年袁谭袁熙袁尚高干郭嘉:“刘表。”Before long Yuan Xi, the second brother, and their cousin, Gao Gan, arrived with their legions and also camped outside the city. Engagements took place daily, and Yuan Shang suffered many defeats. On the other hand Cao Cao was victorious and elated. In the second month of the eighth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 203), Cao Cao made separate attacks on all four armies and won the day against each. Then the Yuans abandoned Liyang, and Cao Cao pursued them to Jizhou, where Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang went into the city to defend it, while their brother and cousin camped about ten miles away making a show of great force. When Cao Cao had made many attacks without success, Guo Jia proffered the following plan. He said, "There is dissension among the Yuans because the elder has been superseded in the succession. The brothers are about equally strong and each has his party. If we oppose them, they unite to assist each other; but if we have patience, they will be weakened by family strife. Wherefore send first a force to reduce Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and let the fraternal quarrels develop. When they have fully developed, we can smite them and settle the matter." Cao Cao approved of the plan. So leaving Jia Xu as Governor of Liyang and Cao Hong as guard at Guandu, the army went away toward Jingzhou.
