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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 夺冀州袁尚争锋,决漳河许攸献计 -> 7

贾诩曹洪退袁熙高干袁谭郭图辛评:“长子。”:“审配。”王修:“天下。”The two brothers Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang congratulated each other on the withdrawal of their enemy, and their brother Yuan Xi and their cousin Gao Gan marched their armies back to their own districts. Then the quarrels began. Yuan Tan said to his confidants Guo Tu and Xin Ping, "I, the eldest, have been prevented from succeeding my father, while the youngest son, born of a second wife, received the main heritage. My heart is bitter." Said Guo Tu, "Camp your army outside, invite your brother and Shen Pei to a banquet, and assassinate them. The whole matter is easily settled." And Yuan Tan agreed. It happened that Adviser Wang Xiu came just then from Qingzhou whom Yuan Tan took into his confidence. Wang Xiu opposed the murder plan, saying, "Brothers are as one's limbs. How can you possibly succeed if at a moment of conflict with an enemy you cut off one of your hands? If you abandon your brother and sever relationship, whom will you take in all the world as a relation? That fellow Guo Tu is a dangerous mischief-maker, who would sow dissension between brothers for a momentary advantage, and I beg you to shut your ears and not listen to his persuasions."
