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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 夺冀州袁尚争锋,决漳河许攸献计 -> 18

曹洪审配冯礼冯礼怀:“。”便冯礼Now Cao Cao led his armies to an attack on Yejun. Cao Hong had arrived before, and a regular siege began. The army encompassed the city and began by throwing up great mounds. They also tunneled subterranean ways. Within the city Shen Pei turned his whole care to the defense and issued the severest commands. The Commander of the East Gate, Feng Li, got intoxicated and failed to keep his watch for which he was severely punished. Feng Li resented this, sneaked out of the city, went over to the besiegers, and told them how the place could be attacked. "The earth within the Pearly Gate is solid enough to be tunneled, and entrance can be effected there," said the traitor. So Feng Li was sent with three hundred men to carry out his plan under cover of darkness.
