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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹丕乘乱纳甄氏,郭嘉遗计定辽东 -> 18

:“便。”:“乐进李典高干。”:“。”荀攸:“。”This speech made the others turn pale. The chief said, "For a great undertaking, there must be lofty principles. However, success does not necessarily depend upon universal support, and since Han Heng is actuated by such sentiments, then let him follow his conscience." So Wuhuan Chu turned Han Heng out of the assembly. Wuhuan Chu then went out of the city to meet and welcome Cao Cao's army and rendered his submission. He was well received and the title given him of General Who Guards the North. Then the scouts came to report: "Generals Li Dian, Yue Jing, and Zhang Yan had marched to Bingzhou, but that Gao Gan had occupied Huguan Pass and could not be dislodged." So Cao Cao marched thither himself. The defender still maintaining his position, Cao Cao asked for plans. Xun You proposed that a band should go over pretending to be deserters.
