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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 玄德南漳逢隐沦,单福新野遇英主 -> 1

蔡瑁赵云赵云玄德:“蔡瑁西。”西蔡瑁:“?”:“使。”Just as Cai Mao was going into the city, he met Zhao Zilong and his three hundred coming out. It had happened that, while at the banquet, Zhao Zilong had noticed some movement of soldiers and horses and had at once gone to the banquet-hall to see if all was well with his lord. Missing Liu Bei from his place, Zhao Zilong had become anxious and gone to the guest-house. There he heard that Cai Mao had gone off to the west gate with troops. So he quickly took his spear, mounted and went, he and the escort, in hot haste along the same road. Meeting Cai Mao near the gate, he said, "Where is my lord?" "He left the banquet-hall quite suddenly, and I know not whither he has gone," was the reply.
