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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 玄德南漳逢隐沦,单福新野遇英主 -> 13

玄德孙乾刘表:“玄德?”孙乾蔡瑁蔡瑁:“!”孙乾:“蔡瑁。”使长子刘琦孙乾玄德The letter was prepared and Sun Qian bore it to the seat of government in Jingzhou City. He was received, and Liu Biao at once asked the reason of Liu Bei hasty flight from the festival. Whereupon the letter was presented, and the bearer related the machinations of Cai Mao and told of the escape and the amazing leap over the Tan Torrent. Liu Biao was very angry, sent for Cai Mao, and berated him soundly, saying, "How dare you try to hurt my brother?" And he ordered Cai Mao out to execution. Liu Biao's wife, Cai Mao's sister, prayed for a remission of the death penalty, but Liu Biao refused to be appeased. Then spoke Sun Qian, saying, "If you put Cai Mao to death, I fear Uncle Liu Bei will be unable to remain here." Then Cai Mao was reprieved, but dismissed with a severe reprimand. Liu Biao sent his elder son Liu Qi back with Sun Qian to apologize.
