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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 定三分隆中决策,战长江孙氏报雠 -> 3

玄德:“刘备。”:“。”玄德:“。”玄德玄德Soon the three stood at the door, and they knocked. The serving lad came out and asked their business. Liu Bei said very deferentially, "I would trouble the servant of the genius, gentle page, to inform the Master that Liu Bei wishes to pay his respects to him." "My master is at home, but he is asleep." "In that case do not announce me." Liu Bei bade his two brothers wait at the door quietly, and he himself entered with careful steps. There was the man he sought, lying asleep on the couch, stretched on a simple mat. Liu Bei saluted him with joined hands at a respectful distance.
