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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 定三分隆中决策,战长江孙氏报雠 -> 4.1

玄德张飞云长:“!”云长玄德玄德:“。”孔明The time passed and still the sleeper did not wake. The two brothers left without, beginning to feel impatient, also came in, and Zhang Fei was annoyed at seeing his revered elder brother respectfully standing by while another slept. "What an arrogant fellow is this Master?" said he. "There is our brother waiting, while he sleeps on perfectly carelessly. I will go to the back of the place and let off a bomb and see if that will rouse him." "No, no! You must do nothing of the kind," whispered Guan Yu, and then Liu Bei told them to go out again. Just then Liu Bei noticed that the Master moved. He turned over as though about to rise, but, instead, he faced the wall and again fell asleep. The serving lad made as if he would rouse his master, but Liu Bei forbade him to be disturbed, and Liu Bei waited yet another weary hour. Then Zhuge Liang woke up repeating to himself the lines:
