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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 定三分隆中決策,戰長江孫氏報讎 -> 11.2

光武洛陽獻帝曹操玄德天下徐庶The Founder of Han seized his gleaming blade And at Mangdang Hills the blood of the white snake flowed. He conquered Qin, destroyed Chu, and entered Xianyang. After two centuries of rule the line was near broken, But Liu Xiu restored the glory at Capital Luoyang. And his children occupied the throne Till decay began in the days of Huan and Ling. The Emperor Xian removed the capital to Xuchang, And, within the four seas, all was confusion. Bold spirits started up in fierce contention. Cao Cao, seized the favorable moment And the imperial authority passed into his hands. While the Suns made to themselves A glorious heritage at the Great River, Solitary and poor, Liu Bei wandered from place to place, Till he found a haven in Xinye. Sorely distressed he was at the sorrows of the people, But Sleeping Dragon conceived a noble ambition, Within his breast were thoughts Of great things to be accomplished by force of arms. Then, because of the parting words of Xu Shu, And by the thrice repeated visits to his retreat, The great hero found and knew his mentor. When the age of Zhuge Liang was but thrice nine years, He turned from his books, put aside his lute, And left the peaceful fields he had loved, Under his guidance Jingzhou was taken And the two Lands of the Rivers conquered. He unrolled great schemes, as one all knowing, In speech, he went to and fro in the world, The sound of war drums rolled from his tongue, The words from his heart stirred one to the utmost depths. The dragon pranced, the tiger glared, And peace was brought to the world. Through all the ages his fame shall never decay.
