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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 定三分隆中決策,戰長江孫氏報讎 -> 26

蘇飛蘇飛孫權黃祖黃祖Gan Ning leaped upon one boat and killed Deng Long. Chen Jiu left the fleet and set out for the shore. Lu Meng dropped into a small boat and went among the larger ships setting them on fire. When Chen Jiu had nearly reached the bank, Lu Meng reckless of death went after him, got ahead, and struck him full in the breast so that he fell. Before long Su Fei came along the bank with reinforcements, but it was too late. The armies of the South Land had already landed, and there was no hope of repelling them. Su Fei fled into the open country, but he was made prisoner. Su Fei was taken to Sun Quan who ordered that he be put into a cage-cart and kept till Huang Zu should be captured. Then he would execute the pair. And the attack was pressed on. Day and night they wrought to capture Xiakou. He sees his ships cut loose and burned, By the Silk-sailed Pirate he once spurned. For Huang Zu's fate, see next chapter.
