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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 荆州城公子三求计,博望坡军师初用兵 -> 28

夏侯敦于禁李典:“?”:“。”李典便:“!”于禁:“!”As evening came on, thick clouds overcast the whole sky. The wind increased but the leader still urged his troops after the retreating foe. The two generals in the rear came to a narrow part of the road with reeds and rushes thick all round them. "Those who despise the enemy are beaten," said Li Dian to Yu Jin. "Away south there the roads are narrow, and streams and mountains make the country difficult. The forests are dense, and if the enemy used fire we should be lost." "You are right," replied Yu Jin. "I will get on and warn the Commanding General. Perhaps he will stop. You can halt those who come up." Yu Jin rode forward shouting at the top of his voice, "Halt the train!"
