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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 蔡夫人議獻荊州,諸葛亮火燒新野 -> 5.1

荀彧:「:『。』。」孔融Even at that moment the same executors came and carried off the whole household. The two youths were beheaded. The father's corpse was exposed in the streets. Minister Zhi Xi wept over the corpse. This public exhibition of sympathy rekindled Cao Cao's anger, and he was going to punish it with death. However, this additional punishment was prevented by Adviser Xun Yu, who said, "You should not slay a righteous man who came to mourn over his friend's corpse. Zhi Xi had often warned Kong Rong against the danger his severe rectitude might lead him into." Zhi Xi took up the remains of father and sons and buried them.
