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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 劉玄德攜民渡江,趙子龍單騎救主 -> 12

玄德孔明:「雲長劉琦。」玄德雲長孫乾張飛趙雲便The progress of Liu Bei, with the crowd of people in his train, was very slow. "The pursuers will be upon us quickly," said Zhuge Liang. "Let us send Guan Yu to Jiangxia for succor. Liu Qi should be told to bring soldiers and prepare boats for us at Jiangling." Liu Bei agreed to this and wrote a letter which he sent by the hands of Guan Yu and Sun Qian and five hundred troops. Zhang Fei was put in command of the rear guard. Zhao Zilong was told to guard Liu Bei's family, while the others ordered the march of the people. They only traveled three or four miles daily and the halts were frequent.
