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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 劉玄德攜民渡江,趙子龍單騎救主 -> 15

:「劉景升天子使。」退荀攸:「蔡瑁?」:「。」Upon this Cao Cao conferred upon Cai Mao the title of the Lord Who Controls the South, and Supreme Admiral of the Naval Force; and Zhang Yun was his Vice-Admiral with the title of the Lord Who Brings Obedience. When they went to thank Cao Cao for these honors, he told them, saying, "I am about to propose to the Throne that Liu Biao's son should be perpetual Imperial Protector of Jingzhou in succession to his late father." With this promise for their young master and the honors for themselves, they retired. Then Xun You asked Cao Cao, "Why these two evident self-seekers and flatterers have been treated so generously?" Cao Cao replied, "Do I not know all about them? Only in the north, where we have been, we know very little of war by water, and these two men do. I want their help for the present. When my end is achieved, I can do as I like with them."
