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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 張翼德大鬧長板橋,劉豫州敗走漢津 -> 16

玄德孔明:「曹操。」劉琦:「。」玄德:「。」雲長玄德孔明劉琦The new-comers added to their strength, and they began once more to consider how their powerful enemy might be overcome. Said Zhuge Liang, "Xiakou is strong and a good strategic point. It is also rich and suited for a lengthy stay. I would ask you, my lord, to make it a permanent camp. Your nephew can go to Jiangxia to get the fleet in order and prepare weapons. Thus we can create two threatening angles for our position. If we all return to Jiangxia, the position will be weakened." Liu Qi replied, "The Directing Instructor's words are excellent, but I wish rather my uncle stayed awhile in Jiangxia till the army was in thorough order. Then he could go to Xiakou." "You speak to the point, nephew," replied Liu Bei. Then leaving Guan Yu with five thousand troops at Xiakou he, with Zhuge Liang and his nephew, went to Jiangxia.
