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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 诸葛亮舌战群儒,鲁子敬力排众议 -> 9

张昭:“?”孔明孔明:“曹操袁绍刘表。”:“!”孔明:“退使天下!”Zhang Zhao found no reply to this diatribe. But another in the assembly lifted up his voice, saying, "But what of Cao Cao's present position? There he is, encamped with one hundred legions and a thousand leaders. Whither he goes he is invincible as wriggling dragon, and whither he looks he is as fearsome as roaring tiger. He seems to have taken Jiangxia already, as we see." The speaker was Yu Fan. And Zhuge Liang replied, "Cao Cao has acquired the swarms of Yuan Shao and stolen the crowds of Liu Biao. Yet I care not for all his mob legions." Yu Fan smiled icily, saying, "When you got thrashed at Dangyang and in desperation sent this way and that to ask help, even then did you not care? But do you think big talk really takes people in?" Zhuge Liang replied, "Liu Bei had a few thousand scrupulous soldiers to oppose against a million fierce brutes. He retired to Xiakou for breathing space. The South Land have strong and good soldiers, and there are ample supplies, and the Great River is a defense. Is now a time for you to convince your lord to bend the knee before a renegade, to be careless of his honor and reputation? As a fact Liu Bei is not the sort of man to fear such a rebel as Cao Cao."
