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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 诸葛亮舌战群儒,鲁子敬力排众议 -> 13

陆绩:“孔明孔明?”孔明严畯孔明:“伊尹子牙张良?”This put a stop to Lu Ji's flow of eloquence. But another of those present said, "Zhuge Liang's words are overbearing, and he distorts reason. It is not proper argument, and he had better say no more. But I would ask him what classical canon he studied." Zhuge Liang looked at his interlocutor, who was Yan Jun, and said, "The dryasdusts of every age select passages and choose phrases. What else are they good for? Do they ever initiate a policy or manage an affair? Yi Yin, who was a farmer in the state of Shen, and Lu Wang, the fisherman of the River Wei, Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, Zheng Yu and Geng Yan —-all were men of transcendent ability, but I have never inquired what classical canon they followed or on whose essays they formed their style. Would you liken them to your rusty students of books, whose journeyings are comprised between their brush and their inkstone, who spend their days in literary futilities, wasting both time and ink?"
