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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 诸葛亮舌战群儒,鲁子敬力排众议 -> 26

张昭孙权:“孔明!”:“曹操袁绍曹操袁绍诸葛亮。”孙权顾雍:“刘备曹操。”When Zhang Zhao heard of the decision he met his colleagues and said to them, "Our master has fallen into the trap set by this Zhuge Liang." They went in a body to their lord and said, "We hear you are going to attack Cao Cao. But how do you stand when compared with Yuan Shao? In those days Cao Cao was comparatively weak, and yet he overcame. What is he like today with his countless legions? He is not to be lightly attacked, and to listen to Zhuge Liang's advice to engage in a conflict is like carrying fuel to a fire." Sun Quan made no reply, and Gu Yong took up the argument. Gu Yong said, "Liu Bei has been defeated, and he wants to borrow our help to beat his enemy. Why must our lord lend himself to his schemes? Pray listen to our leader's words."
