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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 七星壇諸葛祭風,三江口周瑜縱火 -> 2

魯肅周瑜孔明周瑜孔明:「!」:「曹操。」孔明:「。」:「!」孔明周瑜:「?」周瑜:「。」:「?」:「。」:「孔明?」Lu Su was particularly sad at the illness of his patron and went to see Zhuge Liang to talk it over. "What do you make of it?" said Zhuge Liang. "Good luck for Cao Cao; bad for us," said Lu Su. "I could cure him," said Zhuge Liang laughing. "If you could, Wu would be very fortunate," said Lu Su. Lu Su prayed Zhuge Liang to go to see the sick man. They went, and Lu Su entered first. Zhou Yu lay in bed, his head covered by a quilt. "How are you, General?" said Lu Su. "My heart pains me. Every now and again I feel faint and dizzy." "Have you taken any remedies?" "My gorge rises at the thought. I could not." "I saw Zhuge Liang just now, and he says he could heal you. He is just outside, and I will call him if you like."
