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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 七星坛诸葛祭风,三江口周瑜纵火 -> 13

:“。”丁奉徐盛:“徐盛丁奉诸葛亮便。”Zhou Yu was, however, frightened at the power of the man whose help he had invoked. He said, "Really the man has power over the heavens and authority over the earth. His methods are incalculable, beyond the ken of god or devil. He cannot be allowed to live to be a danger to our land of the south. We must slay him soon to fend off later evils." So Zhou Yu resolved to commit a crime to remove his dangerous rival. He called two of the generals of his guard, Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, and said to them, "Each of you take a party of one hundred troops, one along the river, the other along the road, to the altar on the mountains. As soon as you get there, without asking questions or giving reasons, you are to seize and behead Zhuge Liang. Rich reward will be given when you bring his head back."
