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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 七星坛诸葛祭风,三江口周瑜纵火 -> 17

徐盛赵云:“赵子龙!”徐盛便赵云Seeing the other ship had no sail, Xu Sheng thought he would assuredly come up with it and so maintained the pursuit. Then when he got too close, Zhao Zilong fitted an arrow to the bowstring and, standing up in the stern of his boat, cried, "You know who I am, and I came expressly to escort the Directing Instructor. Why are you pursuing him? One arrow would kill you, only that would cause a breach of the peace between two houses. I will shoot and just give you a specimen of my skill." With that he shot, and the arrow whizzed overhead cutting the rope that held up the sail. Down came the sail trailing in the water and the boat swung round. Then Zhao Zilong's boat hoisted its sail, and the fair wind speedily carried it out of sight.
