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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 诸葛亮智算华容,关云长义释曹操 -> 6

孙权便陆逊太史慈陆逊:“?”:“西。”At this time Cao Cao expected aid from Hefei, for he knew not that Sun Quan was barring the road. But when Sun Quan saw the fires and so knew that his soldiers had won the day, he ordered Lu Xun to give the answering signal. Taishi Ci seeing this came down and his force joined up with that of Lu Xun, and they went against Cao Cao. As for Cao Cao, he could only get away toward Yiling. On the road Cao Cao fell in with Zhang He and ordered him to protect the retreat. Cao Cao pressed on as quickly as possible. At the fifth watch he was a long way from the glare and he felt safer. He asked, "What is this place?" They told him, "It is west of the Black Forest and north of Yidu."
