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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 諸葛亮智算華容,關雲長義釋曹操 -> 15

:「。」:「!」張遼許褚徐晃便Noticing that the leading party had stopped, Cao Cao sent to ask the reason. The messenger returned, saying, "The rain water collected in the pits makes the ground a mire, and the horses cannot not move." Cao Cao raged. He said, "When soldiers come to hills, they cut a road; when they happen upon streams, they bridge them. Such a thing as mud cannot stay an army." So he ordered the weak and wounded to go to the rear and come on as they could, while the robust and able were to cut down trees, and gather herbage and reeds to fill up the holes. And it was to be done without delay, or death would be the punishment of the disobedient or remiss. So the soldiers dismounted and felled trees and cut bamboos, and they leveled the road. And because of the imminence and fear of pursuit, a party of one hundred under Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, and Xu Huang was told off to hasten the workers and slay any that idled.
