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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹仁大战东吴兵,孔明一气周公瑾 -> 5

孙乾玄德周瑜玄德孔明:“?”孔明:“。”玄德:“?”孔明:“便。”Having arrived at Youkou, they sought out Sun Qian, who, in turn, went in to see Liu Bei and told him Zhou Yu had come to render thanks. "Why has he come?" asked Liu Bei of his Directing Instructor. "He is not likely to come out of simple politeness. Surely he has come in connection with Nanjun." "But if he brings an army, can we stand against it?" asked Liu Bei. "When he comes, you may reply thus and thus." Then they drew up the warships in the river and ranged the soldiers upon the bank.
